Formally, Ashlar Lodge No.3 under the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon was founded on the Feast of Saint John the Evangelist, December 27, 1873. On that date, two historic lodges within the community, Nanaimo No. 1090 and Caladonia No. 478, decided to join as one under the name Ashlar.

Shortly thereafter, the Brethren of Ashlar purchased the land we now stand on and erected our first Masonic Temple. The cornerstone of which was laid on the 15th of October, 1873 and was the first cornerstone to be laid in the Province by the newly formed Grand Lodge.

50 years after such founding, our current building was constructed and its first formal meeting was held on November 2nd, 1923. Over the following 100 years, and to the present date, Ashlar has embarked on numerous conservation and restoration projects to the building. Thus, it now stands as a testament and vessel of all its original glory.

What Sets Ashlar Apart:

Every Freemason lodge is different. For some, the fraternal aspects take precedence over the symbolism of the Craft. At others, emphasis is placed on performing the respective degrees. Ashlar is hallmarked by our fellowship and the conservation of our tradition and Freemasonry more broadly.

There are three different rituals recognized under the GLBC&Y: Emulation, Canadian, and “Ancient”. the Ancient work is inspired by the American Preston/Webb ritual. Over the past 150 years, Ashlar has remained the most vocal and diligent advocates in the preservation of the traditional, “Ancient”, Freemason ritual.

Thanks to our founding Brethren, Ashlar Lodge is the only organization under the GLBC&Y that is allowed to deviate from the regular, sky-blue, standard of Masonic regalia. Instead, Ashlar inherited our royal blue colour from one of our founding Scottish chartered lodges, Caledonia No. 478.